We kindly invite you to the IONM Reference Network Symopsium: With this virtual conference we will take the opportunity to stay connected and keep focusing on improving IONM in thyroid surgery even in times of COVID-19.
We are excited to talk about the new milestones and latest developments: IONM data exchange, the next generation of C2 NerveMonitor, the cooperation with FLUOPTICS®, european leader in fluorescence imaging and update zu TOETVA.
Let us take the opportunity to discuss further steps and strategies of IONM in thyroid surgery.
Datum | 24. Juni 2020, 16–17:30 Uhr |
Ort | Online |
Kursformat | Symposium |
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Kurssprache | Englisch |
Leitung | Prof. Thomas J. Musholt |
Zertifizierung | - |
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Teilnahmegebühr | - |
Anmeldeschluss |