+49 7641 962 232-0

2025 | IONM Advanced II - Techniques in Neurosurgery | EN


The aim of this course series is to illustrate the complexity of the interaction between the different modalities of intraoperative neurophysiology in terms of a multimodal neuromonitoring approach (mIONM).This year, we will focus on strategies to protect functional brain areas using various neurophysiological methods before and during the resection of supratentorial tumors located in eloquent areas.Experts in the field will show you how the mapping of functional areas influences the surgical strategy. The correct selection, effective application, and interpretation of neurophysiological monitoring techniques are constant challenges faced by medical professionals in the operating theatre. This course is designed to help you overcome these challenges and apply advanced brain mapping techniques, both preoperatively and intraoperatively.By the end of this course, you will be able to confidently and effectively implement the latest brain mapping and neurophysiological monitoring methods in your daily clinical practice. Our hands-on approach, featuring individual interaction in small learning groups, workshops, and observation in the operating theatre, ensures that you gain practical experience and personalized feedback from leading neurosurgery experts. Register now to advance your skills in protecting functional brain areas and applying the latest techniques in the neurosurgical treatment of supratentorial tumors.  

download the program flyer here


Target group

  • Medical doctors
  • Neurophysiologists
  • surgical staff in the field of IONM in neurosurgery with advanced IONM knowledge

In this course you will learn

  • Interaction of neurophysiological mapping methods for planning and performing supratentorial tumour surgery
  • Selection and application of advanced brain mapping methods
  • Influence of multimodal IONM on the surgical strategy
  • Practical application of IONM in the context of case shadowing in the OR




31st March & 01st April 2025


Department of Neurosurgery, Heidelberg University Hospital & Marsilius Arkaden Heidelberg








Prof. Sandro Krieg, MD


Baden-Württemberg Medical Association
(will be applied for)
Ethical Medtech (will be applied for)


Face-to-face course
720 € (excl. VAT)
856,80 € (incl. 19% VAT - Germany)

Registration deadline

24th March 2025