+49 7641 962 232-0

2025 | nervemonitoring & (auto)fluorescence imaging in thyroid surgery | EN/NL

Live Surgery Course

Live Surgery Course Intraoperative neuromonitoring (IONM) is now routinely used in thyroid surgery. The combination of intermittent and continuous neurophysiological monitoring (cIONM), however, allows for real-time monitoring of nerve function. In addition the usage auf autofluorescene to identify the parathyroid glands is demonstrated.  In the course, the participants will learn the methods of neurophysiology and imaging in thyroid surgery from theoretical principles to practical applications. The combination of self-study video tutorials and observation of live-surgeries at the University Medical Center in Amsterdam offers flexibility in the time to watch the theoretical content, and at the same time, offers intensive exchange in the small group during the practical part. Upon completion of the course, the participants will be able to use the cIONM and autofluorescene more confidently and effectively in their clinical practice, improving patient safety. Flyer

Target group

  • Endocrine, ENT and General Surgeons who already use cIONM
  • Surgeons who use intermittent IONM and who want to establish cIONM in their clinic

In this course you will learn

  • Continuous intermittent and continuous neuromonitoring (cIONM) in thyroid surgery
  • New aspects of cIONM and proven tips for its practical handling will be shared
  • (auto)fluorescence imaging of parathyroid glands



08 - 09 May 2025


UMC Amsterdam, Netherlands


Digital learning material (availability up to 6 months after event date)


Beginners and advanced learners


English, Dutch


Dr. Anton F. Engelsman


CME accreditation (will be applied for)


Face-to-face course
436,98 € (excl. VAT)
520 € (incl. 19% VAT - Germany)

Registration deadline

05 May 2025